Centurion assists in the supply and sourcing of items and requirements for many Reconstruction and Development programs, within countries that have been exposed to unrest or civil war situations, as well as natural disaster.

Please find below products and programs we assist with on a regular basis, to aid countries in their path to re-building. Centurion, through their direct links with various manufacturers, has the capability to efficiently source, procure and supply any items required by Governmental or Aid Agencies world-wide.

Please send us your individual enquiries via the “Request for Information” link below.

Reconstruction & Development


Request For Informationmailto:info@centurion-usa.com?subject=RFI%20-%20R%20%26%20D

De-mining Equipment

Construction Equipment

Earthmoving Equipment

Fuel Bowsers

Water Trucks


Medical & Supplies

Foodstuffs & Supplies


Water Pressure Pumps

Water Filtration Systems

Safety Equipment

Electric Water heating Products

Shower & Ablution Facilities

Transportation Equipment

Communications Equipment

Education & Training

Temporary Housing

Low Cost Housing

Security Equipment

Containerized Offices

Concrete Barriers

Water / Fuel / Oil Piping

Precast Walling

Wire Security Fencing


Should you be using a “webmail” based email, our “Request for Quotation” and “Request for Information” Links will not work - To forward your enquiries, please email us at info@centurion-usa.com